Taking Care of Yourself After Acupuncture Therapy

If you are new to acupuncture therapy, you may have many concerns running in your mind? “Does inserting needles into my skin hurt?” “How can it make me feel better?”
Acupuncture has been practiced in China for more than 2,500 years up until now. Some people even consider it a “miracle” to improve the quality of life and treat various health problems from depression to joint pain.
What Is Acupuncture Therapy?

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that has been around for thousands of years designed to help improve or treat different health conditions. It uses specialized thin needles that are inserted into the body of the patient. Some patients may feel uncomfortable during the insertion of the needle into the skin, but the majority of the patients say the entire process is generally painless. The treatment usually lasts a few minutes to about 30 minutes. The total number of acupuncture sessions may depend on the health of the patient.
Acupuncture is used to treat conditions, including gastrointestinal, respiratory, neurologic, and orthopedic problems. This ancient Chinese therapy provides relief from sinusitis, acute bronchitis, asthma, sciatica and lower back pain, ulcers, colitis, constipation, diarrhea, headaches, migraines, anxiety and depression.
What to Expect From Your First Acupuncture Session

During the initial appointment, the acupuncturist will inquire a series of questions, such as sleep patterns, body temperature, bowel movements, the conditions of your eyes and ears, and the quality of your life (physically, emotionally, and spiritually) to have a diagnosis of your health condition. This helps the practitioner to determine the acupuncture points that help treat the problem.
Acupuncture treatment restores the harmony of energy in the body by moving them along the channels in the body. Balancing the disharmony of energy promotes healing and the return to homeostasis.
What to Do After the Treatment
By targeting the acupuncture points, it helps the body relax and speed up the recovery process. After the session is complete, make sure to take things easy, have enough rest, and enjoy yourself.
Taking these steps after getting an acupuncture treatment can help ensure a positive experience and outcome:

Resting after the treatment does not literally mean lying down the entire day — it means taking it easy. Avoid heavy physical activities and staying up late at night. Make sure to get enough rest and sleep. While some experience a jolt of energy after the session, practitioners recommend savouring the boost because you might need it in the following days.
Allowing your body to rest after the treatment helps restore your physical and emotional wellbeing as the healing sets in motion. To maximize relaxation after acupuncture, schedule a massage therapy session.
“Should I use heat or ice?” That is one of the most common concerns of acupuncture patients looking for pain relief. Acupuncture practitioners recommend applying heat to the affected area.
According to Chinese medical practice, most painful conditions are often caused by stagnation of energy or chi. When your body energy is blocked, it results in pain and discomfort. Applying heat helps get rid of the blockage and boost the circulation of blood and chi. On the other hand, ice is counterproductive as it causes energy and blood to become stagnant, as well as slow down the healing process.

Getting massage therapy after acupuncture puts your body in a more relaxed state and helps reduce muscle tension. However, avoid getting deep massage therapy as it can induce more pain and nullify the effects of acupuncture.
Some patients wonder if they can resume their workout routine after the acupuncture session. While engaging in light exercise can boost the effects of acupuncture, make sure to be gentle.
If you run regularly, try walking on the day and the following day(s) after the treatment. Avoid performing advanced yoga exercises. Acupuncture day is not the best day to engage in extraneous activities.
After your acupuncture session, your body releases toxins into your system. Drinking plenty of water helps flush out the toxins from your body. Avoid drinking coffee and alcohol after acupuncture because they can cause dehydration. Also, both coffee and alcohol cause your body to lose awareness. Acupuncture aims to promote better clarity and awareness of how we feel. Consuming alcoholic beverages can reduce your senses while coffee can falsely boost them. Hence, both drinks can either redress or mask the effects of acupuncture. That is why it is better to avoid them a day or two after acupuncture.

Acupuncture releases toxins from your body. Eating healthy foods helps boost the acupuncture therapy benefits. Consuming unhealthy foods, such as processed foods and sugars, can bring back toxins. Choose foods packed with antioxidants and fibres and those with proven healing properties, such as curcumin.
Healthy foods provide your body with the proper nourishment that promotes continuous healing of the body after acupuncture. When we see foods this way, we become less enticed to fast foods and other junk.
A balanced chi helps your mind become calmer and clearer and regulates your sympathetic nervous system (fight-or-flight response). Post-acupuncture allows you to enjoy a breather from the busy world we live in. Clicking the TV on means watching news flashes, incessant advertisements, and hearing screaming pundits and more noise. Staying away from the television means extending your state of acu-bliss.
After your first acupuncture session, make sure to take note of specific things, such as the side-effects and the experience you felt later on. These notes will give the acupuncturist valuable feedback for your future sessions. It also allows the practitioner to adjust your treatment plan, measure your progress and the effectiveness of the treatment.
These notes also enable the acupuncturist to address your questions, ease your concerns in case of unwanted complications, and share their knowledge.
Proper care after acupuncture treatment allows your body and mind to have a better connection and be in tune with each other. When it comes to taking good care of your body and mind, there are several different routes you can take and their importance cannot be overstated. Aftercare ensures that you maximize the benefits of acupuncture.
Acupuncture may not be for everyone, but for many people, it helps treat different conditions and boost their overall health. If you are interested in trying acupuncture, make sure to find a trusted health and wellness clinic that offers quality acupuncture service in Mississauga and the neighbouring areas. How long does it take for acupuncture to work? Find out the answers by talking to an experienced acupuncturist and learn how you can benefit from acupuncture therapy.
Call Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centres of Ontario to book an appointment.