Foods That Could Cause Gout and Resulting Pain
Gout is a type of arthritis that causes individuals severe pain, redness, and tenderness in affected joints. This inflammatory disease commonly develops in individuals who have high levels of uric acid in their blood. The acid creates needle-like crystals that get trapped in the joints. Studies find that certain types of food irritate this condition, causing individuals to suffer severe, sudden episodes.
Red Meat

Red and organ meats are high in purine, which can cause an overproduction of uric acid in the blood. Bacon, turkey, veal, and venison are some of the main culprits for gout pain. Sweetbreads, liver, and kidneys should be avoided as they can cause gout outbreaks to occur.

Seafood is relatively high in purines and they are often the most responsible cause of gout pains in individuals. Foods like perch, herring, shrimp, lobster, and anchovies are all foods to avoid if you suffer from gout.
Refined Carbohydrates

Increased carbohydrate intakes often lead to insulin resistance. In turn, individuals are unable to process uric acid properly, which leads to an increased production of uric crystals in the blood. Replacing white bread, pasta, and white rice with whole grains might greatly reduce gout outbreaks and pains.
Processed Foods

Quite often, processed foods contain high levels of monosodium glutamate or MSG. These flavor enhancers are loaded into processed foods to make them taste fresher and smell better. Inosinates (a salt or ester of inosinic acid) combine with MSGs to metabolize foods into purines and increase uric acid. Foods like frozen dinners, chips, and snack foods are the most likely processed foods to cause gout flare ups.
Sugary Beverages

Sugary fruit juices and sodas cause harm to your body in ways similar to carbohydrates. Soda contains fructose, which has been directly linked to the possibility of contracting gout. Fruit juices and drinks with fructose and artificial flavors and sweeteners are known culprits for gout pain, tenderness, and joint inflammation.

Individuals who regularly consume beer showed more gout symptoms than individuals who refrained from drinking alcoholic beverages. Beer not only contains alcohol, it often has “brewer’s yeast,” which can wreak havoc on gout sufferers. These drinks can trigger gout pain and flares instantly due to the high quantity of purines these liquids contain.
If you or someone you know suffers from gout, call The Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centres of Ontario at (289) 801-9211 to learn how our trained professionals can guide you to reduce pain and increase mobility.