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Simple Exercises for the New Year


Simple Exercises for the New Year

There’s no denying that regular exercise has many health benefits — both physically and mentally. Exercise boosts the immune system and reduces our risk of developing serious medical conditions. It also produces endorphins (the “feel good” hormones which elevate our mood).

The new year is an excellent time to start developing some healthy daily habits. When selecting the right type of exercise for you, consider your lifestyle, goals, and whether or not you have a medical condition, injury, or physical challenge.

A strong exercise plan requires time and dedication. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, start slowly. After getting used to a certain number of repetitions or duration of cardiovascular activity, the amount of exercise and level of intensity can build in a workout plan.

Here are some exercises for a daily routine:

  • Walking

One of the easiest and least expensive exercises, regular walking burns calories alongside physical and psychological benefits. If inclement weather prevents you from going outside, you can take the stairs in your office building or walk inside a shopping mall.

  • Dancing

Exercise can be fun; put on your favourite music or participate with a few Zumba videos over the internet. Pick any song from your favourite artist and let your body move to the beat. Remember to do a quick warmup and stretch afterward to prevent injury.

  • Stretching

Stretching has benefits similar to regular exercise. This activity prepares the body for more strenuous activity and allows it to cool down after a workout session. Warm up prior to working out with a series of dynamic stretches and perform static stretches post-workout.

  • Jumping

This exercise can get your heart pumping. For beginners, start with five to ten jumping jacks and gradually increase from there. If you used to jump rope when younger, you can relive some childhood fun and reap health benefits.

  • Sit down and stand up exercises

This kind of exercise can be done in the office or at home. With your back straight, stand up slowly from a sitting position before lowering your body back to the chair. Do ten or fifteen sit-and-stand exercises a day to tone thighs, hips, and back muscles.

  • Leg raises

Leg raises can be done both standing and sitting. Lift your leg in front of your body to stretch calves and hamstring muscles while stretching your quadriceps and gluteal muscles. Leg raises done to the side engage inner and outer thigh muscles.

  • Arm raises/circles

Arm raises and circular motions performed while holding hand weights can add intensity to a workout while toning arm and shoulder muscles.

While most people include add exercise to their New Year’s resolution list, you can start any time of year. It’s always best to consult with a doctor before starting a new exercise plan.

PARC of Ontario and our clinics employ a team of professional physiotherapists who can help formulate a safe and successful exercise plan for you. Check out our list of centres and contact a location near you and get started on a new exercise program.

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