7 Easy Exercises You Can Do at Home

Keeping your health is important, more so when many are now spending most of their time at home. Proper nutrition and regular exercise are key to staying healthy, but the pandemic has made this difficult. Many places continue to be under lockdown, making it harder to head out to the gym for workouts.
Luckily, there are plenty of exercises you can do at home to stay fit. Even better, many of these exercises can help you burn energy without the need for much in the way of equipment. Use these simple exercises to help stay active even when you can’t get out as much.
1. Walking up the stairs

Walking, in general, is great for the heart. Doing so up and down the stairs takes it a little further. While this activity may not sound like much of a workout at first, it’s a great way to sneak a little aerobics into your day. Taking the stairs is a trick many people use to get in some exercise on the way to work; the same logic applies at home.
Try spicing this up by adding certain challenges, like stepping to the side as you walk up and down. You can also work your step workouts into interval training sessions. Alternate between stepping up and down with other exercises (like pushups or jumping jacks). Get creative and see how many exercises you can fit into your next workout.

2. Planking
Planking looks like a no-effort exercise at first glance, but it’s a powerful choice for building your core and upper body strength. Planking has several variations targeting different parts of the body. Front planks put your back and abs to work, while side ab planks train your hips.
For beginners, try a front plank with your knees on the floor to get used to the exercise. It also helps to bend your elbows and rest your forearms on the floor instead of keeping your arms straight.
3. Pushups
Pushups are a basic but effective bodyweight exercise thanks to the number of muscles it takes to perform them. Pushups are easily modifiable, allowing you to adjust the level of difficulty. Try inclined pushups against a raised surface (like the stairs), or let one of your kids sit on your butt to increase weight resistance. Try a method that works for you to get more out of the exercise.
Start in a plank position, with your core tight, shoulders pulled down and back, and your neck neutral. Bend your elbows and lower your body to the floor until your chest grazes it. Extend your elbows and return to your starting position, and repeat. Focus on keeping your elbows close to your body as you push. An easier way of doing pushups is to rest on your knees. This approach still lets you build strength without overexerting yourself before you’re ready.

4. Squats and lunges
Squats and lunges strengthen your lower body.
To do a squat, stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your body as if you’re about to sit on a chair. Your thighs should be roughly parallel to the floor. Keep your upper body bent slightly forward as you bend your knees. Slowly straighten yourself back into a standing pose, then repeat for one minute. Related exercises like half squats are also an effective physiotherapy exercise for knee pain. Use them to strengthen your lower body without straining your knees further.
For lunges, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart again. Step forward with one leg, slowly lowering your hips toward the ground as you bend your knees. Keep the knee on your forward leg in line with your ankle and avoid extending it forward. Hold that lunge for a beat, then step back to standing. Repeat those lunges for one minute, alternating each leg. Squats and lunges work with some of the largest muscles in the body, making them a good choice for burning plenty of calories each day.
5. Yoga

All it really takes to do yoga is a mat of some kind to support you while you exercise. Most practitioners use yoga mats, but a soft-enough carpet or towel is enough.
Yoga is also a flexible workout option, with plenty of styles to suit your needs or abilities. There are calm, relaxed styles like hatha or yin yoga for those looking for a low-impact workout. For those looking for a more intense burn, try power yoga instead.
Yoga also works as an exercise for shoulder pain and tennis elbow. Use it as a home physiotherapy treatment to get some pain relief. For more ideas, check out some basic yoga poses to help get started. Once you get the hang of the basics, you can put together your own practice with whatever works for you.
6. Dance

Dance can work wonders for your physical and mental health alike, making it a great option for fighting off cabin fever. Having some choreographed routines helps, but you can go for a free-form movement to one of your favourite songs.
Doing dance on your own can be as easy as making a playlist with some of your more upbeat songs, and doing whatever the beat tells you. If you want to take your dancing to the next level, think about taking online dance lessons for more formal instruction. If there’s anyone else at home interested, you can even practice together. Try out some partner dances like salsa or swing, so both of you can get healthy.
7. Tae bo
If you’re old enough to remember the 90’s, you may remember tae bo, or kickboxing. Tae bo is a fun and challenging workout program that combined movements from taekwondo and boxing (hence the name).
Performing these exercises can improve your heart strength, balance, and flexibility. Give tae bo a try if you’re looking for a fast-paced workout that gets the heart pumping. Some programs call for a punching bag and mat, but you can get by without any special gear.
Remember to do some stretches before doing any workouts to make your muscles more loose and limber. Stretches can also work as shoulder pain exercises, so use them to help get yourself back in shape when you’re feeling stiff and sore after an earlier workout.
With a little planning, you can easily insert these workouts into your daily routine. You can do a bit of yoga before you start your day, can sneak squats into your work breaks, or schedule chores to force you to walk up and down the stairs. Even a few minutes of working out every day can make a world of difference when it comes to burning a few more calories.
If you’re in pain or have certain conditions, you may need to seek the advice of a physiotherapist before you perform any activities. Physiotherapy exercises are often low-impact, but doing so without professional help can worsen your condition.
Consult with a physical therapist at Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centres (PARC) of Ontario. We offer personalized advice and treatments to help you overcome your ailments or injuries and take control of your life again. Start your journey to wellness, call one of our locations: Ajax (905) 686-9081, Mississauga (905) 897-2092, Oshawa (905) 579-9938, Scarborough (416) 430-0314, Scarborough South (647) 352-1100, and Whitby (905) 430-2112.